Bangladesh Unrest and its Impact on India


Background:Protestors took over the streets of Dhaka  and other Bangladesh cities after Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh’s longest serving prime minister, resigned and fled the country 

An interim government under Nobel prize-winning economist Muhammad Yunus, and facilitated by the Army, has taken over from the Awami League. 

What caused the resignation of Sheikh Hasina and such politics upheavels?

1.Lack of Connect with the mass:

Hasina’s response to these protests exposed her as a leader out of touch with the ordinary people, and the political sensibilities of the younger generation of Bangladeshis. 

2. Discriminatory Policies and Quota system:

The protests against quotas in government jobs for the children and grandchildren of those who fought in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War brought to light a level of economic disaffection that was sweeping the country’s educated youth.

3. Insensitive remarks by the Sheikha Hasina :

The most staunch example of the former prime minister’s insensitivity was her criticism of the protests at a press conference on July 14. “If the grandchildren of freedom fighters do not receive (quota) benefits,” she asked “who would get it? The grandchildren of Razakars?” 

The term refers to the much-hated collaborators with the Pakistani army during the country’s liberation war.

4. Ending the age old legacy and Second liberation war: 

Students reacted to Hasina’s derisive reference to them as Razakars, in an unexpected and bold manner, with many appropriating the term in social media and during protests. 

This, “enabled young people to overcome what they considered to be the restrictive legacy of the liberation war” and to claim that they are engaged in Bangladesh’s second war of liberation.

Political Instability in Bangladesh and it’s Impact on India:

1.As India had strong relations with Bangladesh as India’s role in the instrumenting Bangladesh Liberation War, India might have lost a key partner in Sheikh Hasina, who has been instrumental in countering terrorism and strengthening bilateral relations.

Hasina’s leadership enabled India to work closely with Bangladesh on security matters, a relationship now in troubles as political dynamics altered.

2.India-Bangladesh bilateral trade reached USD 13 billion in FY 2023–24, making Bangladesh India’s largest trade partner in the subcontinent. Duty-free access was provided on most tariff lines under the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) agreement under Hasina’s administration.

This might impact Indian exports as well.

3.Balancing international relations while supporting a now-unpopular leader poses challenges for India.

4.With Hasina’s unpopularity growing, India may face backlash from Bangladeshi citizens who view India as an ally of the ousted leader. The situation could strain India-Bangladesh relations.

5.Backlash from the other parts of the world:

India’s backing of Hasina has created strain in our ties with US who have criticised her undemocratic practices.

Way Forward for India:

1.While the relationship between the two countries has improved significantly during the Awami League regime, there is a widespread perception in Bangladesh that the relationship has brought more benefit to India than to Bangladesh.

2.Given the unexpected nature of the political change in Bangladesh, India’s foreign policy establishment will now need to carefully navigate the fluid new political environment in the country. 

3.India will have to make a concerted effort to improve the perception gap in Bangladesh of the relationship being one-sided.

4.India should bolster its security measures along the border and in areas with significant Bangladeshi expatriate populations to address potential spillover effects and maintain stability.

5.Developing a digital corridor can enhance trade, technological exchange, and e-commerce as the traditional ways of trade might be not be efficient for the time being.

6. Protecting the Porous Borders as the international borders are porous and there can be chances of unchecked immigration from the affected community for which there is need to look for security arrangements and vigilance.

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