Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam- A Man Full of Virtues

DR. APJ ABDUL KALAM Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen (APJ) Abdul Kalam ( Born 15 Oct. 1931- 27 July 2015)

has led a life which will be engraved in the hearts of people for the centuries to come.

Coming from a very humble Muslim family of Rameshwaram ( Tamil Nadu) Kalam had learnt the Values of Altruism from his mother. As he mentions in his autobiography “WINGS OF FIRE” that ” I don’t recall the exact number of people my mother fed every day , but I am quite certain that far more outsiders ate with us than all the members combined of our own family”.

His father led a very MINIMALISTIC  life and avoided all the inessential comforts and luxuries. His father has always taught him the importance of RIGHT MINDSET , FEARLESSNESS and COURAGEEven the scientific temper which Kalam held was inculcated in hin by his father. His father has embarked on the project of building a wooden boat for the pilgrims which mesmerized and inspired Kalam.

The Values which Dr. Kalam possessed were rightly implanted in him by his parents. As Kalam also writes in his biography that he inherited honesty and self discipline from his father and goodness and faith from his mother.

Apart from his parents two persons had great impact in his life , his cousin and a friend ( later brother-in-law) to whom he attributes his CREATIVITY in later life.

This shows Kalam was a person full of GRATITUDE. As he didn’t fail to mention the people who inspired him.

Being born and brought in the holy city of Rameswaram ( famous for it’s age old Shiva Temple) he had seen both the Muslims and Hindus living together amicably. Kalam had a very secular outlook towards the religions.

Kalam was an average student in his school days ,but he was described as a bright and hardworking student by his teachers, a student who had the desire to learn. He spent hours polishing his skills especially in mathematics. Kalam went onto attend St. Joseph college where he graduated in physics. Later on he moved to Madras to study Aerospace Engineering. Dr. Kalam exhibited RESILIENCE when he was threatened by his dean regarding revoking the scholarship if he didn’t fulfil the project deadline in three days. He impressively met his targets and worked so well even under stress.

Kalam had faced many setbacks , including the one when he narrowly missed achieving his dreams of becoming a fighter pilot . This setback did not stop Kalam to to aim higher. After graduating Kalam joined DRDO as a scientist and later on went on to join ISRO and finally came to known as the “MISSILE MAN OF INDIA”

It was his PERSISTENCE which made him realise his dreams and beyond.

Kalam had endeavoured various projects like developing missiles like AGNIand PRITHIVI. Kalam also directed two projects , Project Devil and Project Valiant.

He served as the Chief Scientific Advisor to Prime minister and served as Secratary at DRDO.

The Pokhran-2 nuclear tests were conducted during his period in which he played an intensive political and technological role.

The Major political event in life of Dr. Kalam was when he was elected as the 11th President of India.

There are various anecdotes which remarks how Dr. Kalam lived a life full of 


He was renowned for his LEADERSHIP qualities throughout the world.

Remembering an incident from Dr. Kalam’s life ,

There was a hectic project where one of the scientists asked Kalam if he could leave a little earlier, as he had to take his children to an exhibition. But he himself forgot to leave when he got so engrossed in the work. When he reached his home late feeling guilty and dejected. He found the children are not at home. Dr. Kalam took them to the exhibition. 

This incident left the scientist awestruck and left an everlasting mark on his mind.

This incident reflects how EMPATHETIC and SELF-LESS Dr. Kalam was. 

Now- a- days while looking at the work culture neither the employees are so dedicated towards their work nor the employers are concerned about the well being of their employees.

The basic empathy lacks in both the roles.

Dr. Kalam had lived an exemplary life which should act as the compass in our lives.

His HUMILITY and ETHICS IN PUBLIC LIFE can be appreciated while remembering an event from his life:

When he respectfully declined a gift from a company. On the further pressure from the sponsor he accepted the gift. Next day Dr. Kalam sent his person to find out the market price of the gift. He later made out a cheque from his personal account and sent it across the company.

It is a lesson Dr. Kalam learnt from his father in his childhood,” behind every gift there is some selfish reason, an expectation of a return of favour.”

This event showcases his TRANSPARENCY and life lived without GRAFT.

There are such innumerable incidents which sum up the life of Dr. Kalam as an infallible leader and a visionary man.

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