External Minister’s Statement on Inauguration of Addu Detour Link Bridge:-India has partnered with the government of Maldives on the Addu Reclamation and Shore Protection project to find a sustainable way to develop it as a regional hub.

-“The Maldives for us is a key partner in the Indian Ocean region. It is very much at the heart of our Neighbourhood First policy. And it is therefore very natural that the cooperation between our two countries has moved beyond the traditional role. And today really aspires to be a modern partnership,” Jaishankar said.

-“Our development cooperation is aimed at touching all facets of people’s lives and finding ways of bringing tangible benefits to their lives,” he said.

-In the last few years, India has invested around USD 220 million which provides a fair idea of the importance that India attaches to regional development in the Maldives, he said. “We are today among the largest trading partners among others. We’re also witnessing greater investment flows from India to the Maldives, particularly in the tourism sector,” he said.

-The reclamation of 184 hectares of land(ADDU RECLAMATION PROJECT)was concluded earlier this year. This ambitious USD 80 million programme involves reclamation for tourism development purposes, as well as for the overall economic development of Addu.

-The project will help in the overall growth of the region, bringing in better opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship and trade.

-“Another important project being carried out with Indian assistance is the redevelopment of the Addu Roads and Drainage development with an outlay of USD 70 million. This project is in the last phase and once completed, will provide a solution to problems of water logging of roads in Addu,” he said.

-“The Addu detour link road that has been inaugurated today which is the cause for us gathering here is an important component of this project and will significantly ease connectivity within the atoll,” he said.

-“Under the Indian Line of Credit, we have focused not only on developing Addu’s facilities as a region but also connecting it to the outside world,” he said.

-The Government of Maldives under the Indian LOC is also undertaking the redevelopment of the Gan International Airport, a connectivity project with an outlay of USD 29 million that will bridge the gap between Addu Atoll and the Maldives and the rest of the world.

-It will improve investor confidence and increase local tourism in Gan and southern atolls, with broader economic gains expected to materialise for many local communities.

-India places an equal emphasis on impactful community development projects in the Maldives. We are already partnering on 65 projects of which 12 or five of these projects have already been delivered. We are happy to see the success of this high-impact Community Development Project model, expand its footprint and increase its presence on an exponential scale.

Strategic Importance of Maldives for India:

1.Maldives is located south of India, the Maldives holds immense strategic importance in the Indian Ocean, acting as a gateway to the Arabian Sea and beyond.

2.This allows India to monitor maritime traffic and enhance regional security.

3. India and Maldives share a deep cultural and historical connection dating back centuries.

4.Until the 12th century, Buddhism was the principal religion in the Maldivian islands.

5.There is an inscription of Vajrayana Buddhism which existed in the Maldives in ancient times. 

6. The culture India shares with the Maldives can be an important for India’s Soft Diplomacy in the region.

7.A stable and prosperous Maldives aligns with India’s “Neighbourhood First” policy, promoting peace and security in the Indian Ocean region.

Strategic Importance of India for Maldives:

1.India is a crucial supplier of everyday essentials, including rice, spices, fruits, vegetables, and medicines.

2.India aids in building Maldivian infrastructure by providing materials like cement and rock boulders.

3.India serves as the primary education provider for Maldivian students who pursue higher education in Indian institutions, including scholarships for deserving students.

4.India has been a consistent source of aid during crises, such as tsunamis and drinking water shortages.

5.The provision of essential items and support during the Covid-19 pandemic showcases India’s role as a reliable partner.

6. India has a history of providing security assistance, intervening during a coup attempt in 1988 through Operation Cactus and conducting joint naval exercises for the protection of the Maldives.

Example:Ekuverin”, “Dosti” and “Ekatha”.

7. Tourists from India have become the leading source market for the Maldives since the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2023, they accounted for a significant 11.2% of total tourist arrivals, amounting to 18.42 lakh visitors.


China’s Influence in the region:

Economic and infrastructure investments: China’s growing economic presence in the Maldives, evidenced by investments in infrastructure projects and debt-trap diplomacy, can be perceived as a challenge to India’s strategic interests in the region.

Political Instability:

Political upheavals and changes in government can create uncertainty and complicate long-term cooperation projects.

Security concerns:

Chinese naval expansion and potential military ambitions in the Indian Ocean with the active support from Maldives can raise concerns for India.

Piracy, terrorism, and drug trafficking remain concerns in the region, requiring continuous collaboration and intelligence building ans sharing between India and the Maldives.

Extremism and radicalization:

 The Maldives’ vulnerability to religious extremism and radicalization poses a security threat that necessitates joint efforts in countering these threats.

Trade imbalance issues

The stark trade imbalance between India and the Maldives may lead to resentment and there is need for diversifying trade partnerships.

Vulnerability to climate change:

Maldives as well as India are vulnerable to climate change and rising sea levels, requiring coordinated efforts for adaptation and environmental protection.

There is a need to understand the complexities related to climate change and disasters. Both nations can work on mitigation and resilience building measures.

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