Prelims Scoop:            Elongated Tortoise

(Environment/Geography/Species in News)

Recently, An elongated Tortoise was spotted at Damdama in Haryana during a research survey in the Aravalli.

About Elongated Tortoise:

-Elongated Tortoise is listed as critically endangered under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

-The elongated tortoise (scientific name: Indotestudo elongata) is a species of tortoise native to Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia.

-Known for its elongated shell, this reptile is classified as critically endangered due to habitat loss, illegal trade, and over-exploitation for food and traditional medicine.

Key Features of Elongated Tortoise:
* Distinctive Shape: As the name suggests, the elongated tortoise has a noticeably elongated shell compared to other tortoise species.

* Habitat: They are typically found in deciduous forests and open woodlands, often near water sources.

* Diet: Primarily herbivorous, consuming leaves, fruits, and occasionally insects.

* Size: Adults can reach a length of around 30 centimeters (12 inches).

* Habitat Loss: Deforestation and land conversion for agriculture are major threats to their habitats.

* Illegal Trade: These tortoises are often illegally traded for the pet trade or for their body parts, which are believed to have medicinal properties.

* Over-exploitation: They are hunted for food in some regions.

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