Mahatma Gandhi , born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi( Oct. 2 1869 – Jan. 30 1948) , the man who kept the foundation of the nation INDIA. Aptly called as Father of our nation.

Let us take his life as a repository of valuable lessons and learnings. 

Starting from his school days he was a very reserved boy ,He loved reading books and was inspired by various writers. From the very beginning he followed the path of TRUTHFULNESS , taking here the liberty to quote an incident from his school days:

When he was in school, an inspector came for inspection and asked to write five English words and Gandhiji failed to write one of them correctly and when his class teacher saw the incorrect one, he wrote the correct spelling on the back of the inspector, but he didn’t cheat and was further scolded by the teacher because the rest of the class copied but he didn’t.’

As his principles didn’t allow him to cheat.

This incident marks his sheer HONESTY and INTEGRITY since his childhood. 

But now we are at the helm of a situation where NEET EXAM paper leak and absolute dishonesty and fraud while the conduction of the various exams has become the reality. People lack the basic ethics and are just driven by greed and power. The system at every level from students to the higher authorities has become the “GAME OF GRAFT”. The INDIA which Gandhiji envisaged is lost somewhere in skewed attempts at power attainment by its people.

All through his life, Gandhi ji preached about attaining higher and better SKILLS.

He said, “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

He believed in a constant and continuous learning process including EXPERIMENTATION, keeping the ideal as the goal but also knowing that human beings must always keep improving and rising in their skills but can never attain absolute perfection. 

Hence, he also called himself a ‘practical idealist’, going from ‘truth to truth’. He himself practiced the pursuit of skill in whatever he did.

While Promoting for the Khadi and locally made products, he himself started learning the art of weaving and worked relentlessly to bring glory to local Indian Industries and instil in Indians pride for their culture and uniqueness.

When he was in South Africa ,He would refer to the skills required in medical practice. He even trained himself in ‘nature cure’ and nursing and practiced these with meticulous skill. 

Today, when we look at the  percentage of youth who are employable is starkly low , as they lack the required skills required for the job. The importance these days is given more to grades rather than the values and true education.

Gandhiji vehemently believed in and propagated about EQUALITY and  EMPOWERMENT.

Gandhiji himself was influenced by iconic women. His mother Putlibai, his wife Kasturba and others like Annie Besant and Sarojini Naidu influenced him greatly.

Gandhi ji said that ‘Women is the companion of men, gifted with equal mental capacity’.

Even today while Indian women continue to lead in different walks of life ranging from sports to space, manufacturing to entrepreneurship and arts to innovation, we are yet to fully instill a sense of gender equality in the nation.

Not only gender equality but accross caste, race, religion. He tried his best to make the society free of discrimination.

His attempts to uplift the unprivileged sections of society are commendable and visionary.

From including muslims in Non Cooperation Movement to fighting for the rights of HARIJANS. 

Although Gandhiji’s father was a Diwan he never showcased his power to anyone. He always lived a life that of a common boy. Due to his father’s position, it was not acceptable to society that he would ever check the sewerage, but he never hesitated in doing so. Many villagers cited it as not their duty , but Gandhi never backed off from fulfilling the basic responsibilities of a citizen.

While talking about Gandhiji and not mentioning his panacea to various problems “SATYAGRAHA AND AHIMSA” would be injustice.

Satyagraha and Ahimsa that is truthfulness and non violence were the weapons which Gandhiji successfully used worldwide.

In the present order where the wars have become norm be it chemical wars, cyber war or ethnic wars.  Gandhiji had proved the mettle of his unquestionable tools times and again. Be it in South Africa while fighting against racism or getting our country her Independence. 

There are zillions of inspiring stories regarding Gandhiji, which not only teaches us but also inspires us that nothing is impossible, only you need a strong determination and self belief.

Gandhiji’s principles of LIBERTYDIGNITY and EQUALITY were not limited by space and time, they have universal applicability and timeless value. He preached peace, non- violence, tolerance and harmony, and in the process, miraculously inspired India’s great struggle for freedom and gave new impetus to civil rights movements all over the world.

Mahatma Gandhi , born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi( Oct. 2 1869 – Jan. 30 1948) , the man who kept the foundation of the nation INDIA. Aptly called as Father of our nation.

Let us take his life as a repository of valuable lessons and learnings. 

Starting from his school days he was a very reserved boy ,He loved reading books and was inspired by various writers. From the very beginning he followed the path of TRUTHFULNESS , taking here the liberty to quote an incident from his school days:

When he was in school, an inspector came for inspection and asked to write five English words and Gandhiji failed to write one of them correctly and when his class teacher saw the incorrect one, he wrote the correct spelling on the back of the inspector, but he didn’t cheat and was further scolded by the teacher because the rest of the class copied but he didn’t.’

As his principles didn’t allow him to cheat.

This incident marks his sheer HONESTY and INTEGRITY since his childhood. 

But now we are at the helm of a situation where NEET EXAM paper leak and absolute dishonesty and fraud while the conduction of the various exams has become the reality. People lack the basic ethics and are just driven by greed and power. The system at every level from students to the higher authorities has become the “GAME OF GRAFT”. The INDIA which Gandhiji envisaged is lost somewhere in skewed attempts at power attainment by its people.

All through his life, Gandhi ji preached about attaining higher and better SKILLS.

He said, “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

He believed in a constant and continuous learning process including EXPERIMENTATION, keeping the ideal as the goal but also knowing that human beings must always keep improving and rising in their skills but can never attain absolute perfection. 

Hence, he also called himself a ‘practical idealist’, going from ‘truth to truth’. He himself practiced the pursuit of skill in whatever he did.

While Promoting for the Khadi and locally made products, he himself started learning the art of weaving and worked relentlessly to bring glory to local Indian Industries and instil in Indians pride for their culture and uniqueness.

When he was in South Africa ,He would refer to the skills required in medical practice. He even trained himself in ‘nature cure’ and nursing and practiced these with meticulous skill. 

Today, when we look at the  percentage of youth who are employable is starkly low , as they lack the required skills required for the job. The importance these days is given more to grades rather than the values and true education.

Gandhiji vehemently believed in and propagated about EQUALITY and  EMPOWERMENT.

Gandhiji himself was influenced by iconic women. His mother Putlibai, his wife Kasturba and others like Annie Besant and Sarojini Naidu influenced him greatly.

Gandhi ji said that ‘Women is the companion of men, gifted with equal mental capacity’.

Even today while Indian women continue to lead in different walks of life ranging from sports to space, manufacturing to entrepreneurship and arts to innovation, we are yet to fully instill a sense of gender equality in the nation.

Not only gender equality but accross caste, race, religion. He tried his best to make the society free of discrimination.

His attempts to uplift the unprivileged sections of society are commendable and visionary.

From including muslims in Non Cooperation Movement to fighting for the rights of HARIJANS. 

Although Gandhiji’s father was a Diwan he never showcased his power to anyone. He always lived a life that of a common boy. Due to his father’s position, it was not acceptable to society that he would ever check the sewerage, but he never hesitated in doing so. Many villagers cited it as not their duty , but Gandhi never backed off from fulfilling the basic responsibilities of a citizen.

While talking about Gandhiji and not mentioning his panacea to various problems “SATYAGRAHA AND AHIMSA” would be injustice.

Satyagraha and Ahimsa that is truthfulness and non violence were the weapons which Gandhiji successfully used worldwide.

In the present order where the wars have become norm be it chemical wars, cyber war or ethnic wars.  Gandhiji had proved the mettle of his unquestionable tools times and again. Be it in South Africa while fighting against racism or getting our country her Independence. 

There are zillions of inspiring stories regarding Gandhiji, which not only teaches us but also inspires us that nothing is impossible, only you need a strong determination and self belief.

Gandhiji’s principles of LIBERTYDIGNITY and EQUALITY were not limited by space and time, they have universal applicability and timeless value. He preached peace, non- violence, tolerance and harmony, and in the process, miraculously inspired India’s great struggle for freedom and gave new impetus to civil rights movements all over the world.

Mahatma Gandhi , born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi( Oct. 2 1869 – Jan. 30 1948) , the man who kept the foundation of the nation INDIA. Aptly called as Father of our nation.

Let us take his life as a repository of valuable lessons and learnings. 

Starting from his school days he was a very reserved boy ,He loved reading books and was inspired by various writers. From the very beginning he followed the path of TRUTHFULNESS , taking here the liberty to quote an incident from his school days:

When he was in school, an inspector came for inspection and asked to write five English words and Gandhiji failed to write one of them correctly and when his class teacher saw the incorrect one, he wrote the correct spelling on the back of the inspector, but he didn’t cheat and was further scolded by the teacher because the rest of the class copied but he didn’t.’

As his principles didn’t allow him to cheat.

This incident marks his sheer HONESTY and INTEGRITY since his childhood. 

But now we are at the helm of a situation where NEET EXAM paper leak and absolute dishonesty and fraud while the conduction of the various exams has become the reality. People lack the basic ethics and are just driven by greed and power. The system at every level from students to the higher authorities has become the “GAME OF GRAFT”. The INDIA which Gandhiji envisaged is lost somewhere in skewed attempts at power attainment by its people.

All through his life, Gandhi ji preached about attaining higher and better SKILLS.

He said, “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

He believed in a constant and continuous learning process including EXPERIMENTATION, keeping the ideal as the goal but also knowing that human beings must always keep improving and rising in their skills but can never attain absolute perfection. 

Hence, he also called himself a ‘practical idealist’, going from ‘truth to truth’. He himself practiced the pursuit of skill in whatever he did.

While Promoting for the Khadi and locally made products, he himself started learning the art of weaving and worked relentlessly to bring glory to local Indian Industries and instil in Indians pride for their culture and uniqueness.

When he was in South Africa ,He would refer to the skills required in medical practice. He even trained himself in ‘nature cure’ and nursing and practiced these with meticulous skill. 

Today, when we look at the  percentage of youth who are employable is starkly low , as they lack the required skills required for the job. The importance these days is given more to grades rather than the values and true education.

Gandhiji vehemently believed in and propagated about EQUALITY and  EMPOWERMENT.

Gandhiji himself was influenced by iconic women. His mother Putlibai, his wife Kasturba and others like Annie Besant and Sarojini Naidu influenced him greatly.

Gandhi ji said that ‘Women is the companion of men, gifted with equal mental capacity’.

Even today while Indian women continue to lead in different walks of life ranging from sports to space, manufacturing to entrepreneurship and arts to innovation, we are yet to fully instill a sense of gender equality in the nation.

Not only gender equality but accross caste, race, religion. He tried his best to make the society free of discrimination.

His attempts to uplift the unprivileged sections of society are commendable and visionary.

From including muslims in Non Cooperation Movement to fighting for the rights of HARIJANS. 

Although Gandhiji’s father was a Diwan he never showcased his power to anyone. He always lived a life that of a common boy. Due to his father’s position, it was not acceptable to society that he would ever check the sewerage, but he never hesitated in doing so. Many villagers cited it as not their duty , but Gandhi never backed off from fulfilling the basic responsibilities of a citizen.

While talking about Gandhiji and not mentioning his panacea to various problems “SATYAGRAHA AND AHIMSA” would be injustice.

Satyagraha and Ahimsa that is truthfulness and non violence were the weapons which Gandhiji successfully used worldwide.

In the present order where the wars have become norm be it chemical wars, cyber war or ethnic wars.  Gandhiji had proved the mettle of his unquestionable tools times and again. Be it in South Africa while fighting against racism or getting our country her Independence. 

There are zillions of inspiring stories regarding Gandhiji, which not only teaches us but also inspires us that nothing is impossible, only you need a strong determination and self belief.

Gandhiji’s principles of LIBERTYDIGNITY and EQUALITY were not limited by space and time, they have universal applicability and timeless value. He preached peace, non- violence, tolerance and harmony, and in the process, miraculously inspired India’s great struggle for freedom and gave new impetus to civil rights movements all over the world.

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