Vigyan Dhara Scheme

Recently, The Centre approved two key science initiatives to strengthen the research base and accelerate search for science and technology solutions to some of the country’s pressing needs in sectors like clean energy.

The Union Cabinet decided to merge several existing science promotion programmes being run by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) under a new initiative called Vigyan Dhara that, it hopes, would result in better fund utilisation, and improve efficiency.

 It also approved a biotechnology initiative that will push for research and development, industrialisation and manufacturing in the biotechnology sector.

About Vigyan Dhara Scheme?

-It is a new central sector scheme unifying three umbrella schemes of the Department of Science and Technology (DST).

-The scheme has three broad components:

1.Science and Technology (S&T) Institutional and Human Capacity

2. Building,Research and Development and

3.Innovation, Technology Development and Deployment.

The proposed outlay for the implementation of the unified scheme ‘Vigyan Dhara’ is Rs.10,579.84 crore during the 15th Finance Commission period from 2021-22 to 2025-26.

On the biotechnology side, the new initiative aims to support innovation-driven research and development across six thematic areas:

1. The first will focus on bio-chemicals, bio-enzymes, and bio-polymers, which will mainly have industrial, consumer, and scientific applications.

2. The second pillar will focus on smart proteins and functional foods.

3. The third will focus on 

Bio-therapeuticsTargeted therapy is emerging as the cutting-edge treatment for several genetic conditions and cancers.

4. The fourth will focus on agriculture, supporting development of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.

5.The fifth will focus on developing bio-fuels and bio-chemicals, especially those that are developed from captured carbon emissions.

6. The last area was marine and space application to focus on developing products from marine ecosystems.

What are the benefits of Vigyan Dhara Scheme?

-The ‘Vigyan Dhara’ scheme aims to advance research in several key areas, namely, basic research, to facilitate access to international mega facilities, translational research, to focus on sustainable energy, water, and other critical areas, and collaborative research, to foster international bilateral and multilateral partnerships.

-The scheme will also work towards strengthening the science and technology sector by expanding the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) researcher count, implementing targeted measures to improve the participation of women in Science and Technology (S&T), and achieve gender equality in STI.

-It will also work towards supporting innovation at all levels — from schools to higher education — and provide targeted assistance to industries and startups, and increase cooperation between academia, government, and industry.

Expected outcomes of the Scheme:

-The merger of the schemes into a single framework is anticipated to improve efficiency in fund utilisation and ensure better synchronisation among the sub-schemes and programmes

-The unified scheme is designed to reinforce the government’s efforts in advancing research and innovation at all levels, thus contributing to the overall growth of the country’s S&T landscape.

-By focusing on these areas, ‘Vigyan Dhara’ aims to build a robust foundation for scientific advancement and innovation, ultimately enhancing India’s global position in science and technology.

-The government said all programmes under ‘Vigyan Dhara’ will align with the Department of Science and Technology’s five-year objectives to realise the Viksit Bharat 2047 vision.

– And, the scheme’s research and development component will adhere to the Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) guidelines, while its implementation will align with global standards and national priorities.

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