Mpox Virus

Recent Context:

WHO declared Monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

In India:

Due to the rising cases of Mpox Virus Health Ministry has said that Health units at airports, seaports, and ground crossings will be sensitised, 32 laboratories will be ready along with the health facilities for detecting, isolating, and managing cases of Mpox.

What is Mpox Virus?-Mpox, a viral disease previously known as monkeypox, has recently garnered significant global attention due to its increasing spread and the emergence of new variants. It is a self-limiting disease but can lead to death, especially among children and those with weak immune systems.

-Mpox, belongs to the family Poxviridae, which consists of large, double-stranded DNA viruses.

— The World Health Organization (WHO) classified mpox as a global public health emergency. This comes after a surge in cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the virus spreading to neighbouring countries. 

— Mpox was first discovered in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). 

-Over the decades, mpox cases have arisen intermittently in many African countries, with occasional outbreaks in non-African regions as a result of international travel and the importation of infected animals. 

Transmission of Mpox: Mpox is generally transmitted to humans from animals, particularly rodents and primates, through direct contact or through contaminated objects and surfaces.

Symptoms of Mpox: Mpox infection in humans typically presents with fever, headache, muscle aches, and a characteristic rash that progresses from macules to papules to vesicles and pustules.

Vaccination: While a vaccine for mpox exists, its availability and effectiveness are not to a great extent.

The vaccines developed for smallpox are up to 80 per cent effective against mpox. 

Monkeypox Prevention:

-Vaccination for smallpox is thought to confer protection from human monkeypox infections because the viruses are so similar, and also the vaccine helps protect animals from experimentally deadly monkeypox challenges. 

– The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that anybody investigating monkeypox outbreaks or catering for infected people or animals get a smallpox immunisation to protect themselves from the disease. 

-Vaccination is also recommended for anyone who has had close or personal contact with monkeypox-infected individuals or animals. 

Monkeypox Treatment:

Tecovirimat is licenced for the treatment of numerous poxviruses, including monkeypox, throughout the European Union as well as the United States.

Global Outbreaks:

-Mpox was highlighted as a widespread outbreak that affected over 100,000 people in more than 118 countries in 2022-2023.

-The outbreak was characterised by high human-to-human transmission, particularly through close contact and the sexual route.


About PHEIC:

1.As per IHR (2005), an outbreak qualifies as a PHEIC if it is unusual or unexpected; it has potential for international spread; and may require an immediate international action.

2.IHR, 2005 is a binding international legal agreement involving 196 countries across globe, including all Member States of WHO.

3.PHEIC represents the highest level of alert issued by WHO under IHR. 

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